You may know a little NVC (sometimes we talk about it like it’s a language) but if you don’t… Here’s my super-speedy, itty-bitty, mini-intro to NVC – in 10 questions or less!
NVC/Nonviolent Communication
Deconstructing the idea of being a “People Pleaser” in NVC
We can use Nonviolent Communication to work through a pattern of “people pleasing” in three easy steps.
1) Surface/core needs
2) Looking through a systemic lens at why this tendency often comes up for womxn
3) a system for quickly checking in about your boundaries – before resentment begins to accumulate
Conscious/Teal Businesses & NVC
What exactly is a “conscious” business or corporation? It has nothing to do with the product, necessarily, so we’re not talking about health companies that sell vitamins or yoga packages. Listen in to find out the three main components to a conscious business, spanning structural and cultural pieces, and how NVC supports various aspects of these different business models. We’ll also begin to talk about ways you can begin bringing in certain qualities to a more traditional, hierarchical business. It’s time to go “teal”, folks. We’ll discuss what that means, as well.